Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Our Nation in Words

For our last day of teaching, we taught using cooperative learning. The lesson was SUCH A SUCCESS! We divided the class into 4 groups. Groups 1 and 3 were to write a poem about the constitutional convention. Groups 3 and 4 were to create a bill of rights that all schools should follow. We provided each group with a project folder. Inside that folder was: 
  1. The project you will be making.
  2. Your individual jobs.
  3. The checklist (rubric) for your project.
  4. Loose leaf paper to draft ideas.
  5. Peer Assessment sheets.
I went over what it means to work as a team with the class and together we chorally read an acrostic poem about "teams"
Then we gave the class 15 minutes to finish their projects. Once the 15 minutes was up each group presented. The 4 groups did an amazing job collaborating and creating their poems and bill of rights!

Then the students had to reflect, it was basically our wrap up of our three days of teaching. They had an independent practice to complete that stated
"You’re getting interviewed for a history magazine! Answer these questions using as much information as possible from the lessons we’ve taught you!

  • Why was the Bill of Rights important?
  • Describe the Compromises and why they were important.
List the three branches of government and explain why checks and balances are important"

Almost all of the responses were impressive! This was by far an incredible class to teach. The students were well behaved, engaged throughout every lesson, cooperated and collaborated amazingly together and I am very happy and thankful to have experienced teaching Social Studies to them!

I am also and very thankful for my group members. Everyone did a great job working together, meeting up to plan, came up with great lesson ideas, provided materials for the lessons, and really took interest in making sure we were all prepared and confident before teaching!!

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