Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Young United States

Group 2 did a great job being creative with their lesson plans and activities. During each lesson everyone in the group did a great job using their teacher voices, speaking loud and clear. For their direct instruction lesson they all knew the content that they were teaching, this is very important because when you know the content you are teaching you are more confident teaching! They did a great job in their direct instruction lesson choosing a vocabulary game as a guided practice activity!
Vocabulary game- term or definition was placed on the back of the students chairs before the lesson began.
  • Everyone with a definition goes to one side of room
  • Everyone with the name/term goes on the other side of the room
  • Find partner without speaking
I like how once the students found their match they had to get up and read the term and definition, and the rest of the class had to give a thumbs up if they think the term and definition matched or thumbs down if they disagreed. This was a great, engaging way to review the terms taught during the lesson.

During the inquiry lesson, I liked the layout of the lesson and how the students had the opportunity to spend 8 minutes at each station. The students were provided a discovery book with steps to their “expedition”. At each station the students used the iPads to scan the QR code to get them to the website that they should be working with. They were to write their hypothesis before moving onto the next group.

I really enjoyed how each group had to create a campaign poster representing their assigned president candidate for cooperative learning lesson. They students did a great job creating their poster!

Good job group 2!!

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