Saturday, April 7, 2018

Great job, Group 4! Celebration Of Learning

Group 4 did a good job with time management and had so many creative activities! Instead of having a numbered note sheet for the students to follow along on they created a flip book! Each flip had the title of the slide on it so the students could follow along. I loved this idea! They also created a traffic light as a check for understanding. The students all had a red, green and yellow card and if they had a question or was confused about something they would hold up their cards. This was a very creative way to check for the students understanding throughout the lesson! The group had a very engaging guided practice vocabulary game for the students to play, but unfortunately the students didn't behave properly during the game. They had the class split into 2 groups. Each group had a paper with definitions on it. The terms were on the whiteboard. Students had to swat the word that matched the definition but the students were not using the fly swatters properly. I think in order for this game to go smoothly, only the students they were swatting their term on the smart board should have been the only students standing.
During their inquiry lesson, I like how they introduced the problem as “In need of historians” as a way to get the students involved in the research. The students had to do a biography research on a WebQuest using iPads again.

Group 1 - researched Stephen Austin
Group 2 - researched James Marshall
Group 3 - researched Sam Houston
Group 4 - researched James Polk
Each group had 20 minutes to research their historical figure. I loved the biography research page they provided for the students. The layout was more engaging than a worksheet with questions to answer. Then the students had to share one major accomplishment of their historical figure to the class.
For their cooperative lesson each group was responsible for a main event learned in the 1800’s. They had to 20 minutes to work on
-Organizing a timeline with the provided sheet.
-Organizing and label pictures.
-Create a slogan
Each group worked so well together and then they presented their timeline!
This was also our last day of fieldwork! This was a great experience learning to teach Social Studies to a wonderful 5th grade class! Every one of my colleagues did a wonderful job equally teaching, working together, and using their teacher voices. 

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