Saturday, April 7, 2018

A Growing Nation

Group 2 did an awesome time working together, and having great time management! I loved their response system, when they teacher said “holy moly" by students responded with "guacamole”. Each group member did an awesome job making sure the students were done filling in their note sheet before moving on. The group chose to do BINGO with the students as their guided practice during their direct instruction lesson. I thought this was a great way to engage the students in a review of the content and vocabulary terms that were just taught, and the students loved it. I also loved their idea of the independent practice. They had the students complete a fill in the blank and matching worksheet. Usually the students have to write a letter, so this was different way to assess the students.
During their inquiry lesson the students worked so well on their WebQuest. The students were divided into five groups and each group had to fill in their history hunt sheet on the assigned historian. (eg. Sojourner Truth, Andrew Jackson, Elizabeth K. Stanton). Then the students had to present their findings, they always do such a great job presenting their findings to the class!
During cooperative learning the students were split into groups and given a specific job. They had to work together to complete a poster on assigned group that they learned about. The students were very engaged and knowledgeable during their presentation and I loved the raps that they came up with! To end the lesson the students wrote an article to "News of the world"

Great job group 3!

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